Different status of Visitors!!

Approve, reschedule and reject

Team Vizman

Last Update vor 2 Jahren

Following the visitor's invitation, the visitor will appear on the list, and Receptionists can check in visitors by pressing the check in button, and after checking in, they can also check out visitors through the checkout button .

The receptionist will be able to take various actions related to the meeting with the visitor.

The actions that can be performed are approved: which is available once the visitor has been checked in to the premises, reject the meeting i.e. cancel the meeting this can be done even if the visitor has not been checked in to the premises, reschedule the meeting to a different date can also be possible even if the visitor has not checked in to the premises, and share on WhatsApp, which will allow the visitor to share the meeting details via WhatsApp.

To change the status of meeting with the visitor, follow the steps

Step 1: Go to the employee’s dashboard.

Step 2: Go to the visitor

Step 3: Go to the action bar, click on it and the other tab will open.

You will see the following details here: you can approve, reschedule or reject the visitors that are waiting and for invited and reschedule or reject the meeting for invited visitors.

If an employee rejects the meeting, the visitor will receive an email for rejection.

If an employee rescheduled the meeting then the visitor will be notified of the time and date through an Email and SMS.

After approval, the employee can make notes of the meeting too

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